I think I have said it a million times, but I will say it a million more. There is nothing better than a good ‘ole 1st Gen Cummins, especially when it’s a 5 speed. Sit back and relax, and be sure to crank those speakers for some of the best sounding diesel upshifts ever! (video […]
1st Gen Cummins Lays Down Nastiest Sounding Burnout Ever
Ahhh the 1st gen Cummins .. does it get any better? Rarely. Leaving two thick rally stripes on the pavement, this Cummins shows us how to execute a proper burnout. Bonus points for being a 1st Gen. (video below) Watching the burnout like:
HUGE 1st Gen Cummins Burnout
I’d like to see the numbers this 1st gen Cummins is pushing! It sounds like it has a little more cojones than any other i’ve heard. Anybody know?